Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poker Stars buying Full Tilt????

News that is about to rock the poker world has struck today. The once defunct poker site Full Tilt is being bought by.............. Wait for it......................

 Thats right folks, Poker Stars is in talks with the DOJ to purchase and operate Full Tilt Poker. The deal comes after GBT, the French investment firm has backed out of the deal, citing no agreement could be made in regards to lost player funds. Here is the official statement from GBT:

 Groupe Bernard Tapie regrets to announce that, after seven months of intensive work, our efforts to obtain final approval of the United States Department of Justice of the agreement to acquire the assets of Full Tilt Poker have ended without success.
Ultimately, the deal failed due to two major issues. 
 The parties could not agree on a plan for repayment of ROW players. 
GBT proposed a plan that would have resulted in immediate reinstatement of all ROW player balances, with a right to withdraw those funds over time, based on the size of the player balance and the extent of the player’s playing activity on the re-launched site. All players would have been permitted complete withdrawal of their balances, regardless of whether they played on the site, by a date certain, and 94.9% of ROW players would have been fully repaid on day 1. DOJ ultimately insisted on full repayment with right of withdrawal within 90 days for all players– a surprise demand made in the 11th hour, after months of good-faith negotiations by GBT. 
 The legal complications surrounding the deal – specifically, questions surrounding the legality of the forfeiture under non-US laws – also proved unresolvable. 
All of the key assets of the FTP companies reside outside of the United States. A non-US court well might regard the purported forfeiture as a “fraudulent transaction” and declare it invalid or deem the acquirer of the assets responsible for all of those creditor obligations. 
Given the $80 million purchase price, and the substantial amount of cash needed to relaunch FTP, those issues ultimately proved too substantial to overcome. 
GBT is very conscious of the hopes it has created – among FTP employees that they will retain their jobs, among FTP players that they will recover their balances, and among the entire poker community that the world’s finest poker platform will be relaunched and bring a needed added element of competition to a world market that today is fully dominated by a single operator. 
GBT cannot accept the end of those hopes. 
For that reason, unless a concrete and legally viable solution is found in the very coming days to save the employees and repay the players of FTP, we will move to our own plan of action. 
We understand from press reports that the DOJ may have entered into an agreement with PokerStars pursuant to which PokerStars will acquire the FTP assets.
If accurate, we can only assume that PokerStars determined that it was willing to accept these legal and financial risks in order to resolve its own legal situation with DOJ.

If a PokerStars acquisition of FTP means that all FTP players will be fully repaid immediately, we are very happy for the players, as their final and full repayment has always been our priority. 
We only regret that such a deal would signal further consolidation of a poker market already dominated by a single player – an outcome that may raise antitrust concerns and that, in the long run, is probably not good for players and for the whole online poker industry.”

This is all very exciting news for everyone. Rumors are abound that once re-opened, American players will not only get their funds back but will allowed to play on the site. Full tilt had in my opinion the best software around and to have the option of playing there would be enormous. The crap sites we are left to play on are growing old and its tilting to just load the client up.

Poker Stars Eric Hollreiser, Head of corporate Communications has released statement neither confirming nor denying the rumors. Although the statement is more of a confirmation no specific details are given.

We’ve had a lot of enquiries and there’s lots of speculation on the forums, so I wanted to address the PokerStars chatter. As you know, PokerStars is in settlement discussions with the U.S. Department of Justice. As such settlement discussions are always confidential, we are unable to comment on rumors. As soon as we have information to share publicly we will do so.
Follow my exclusive coverage over at www.plentypoker.com. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Poker Music

I tend to listen to music while i play and my current paylist is getting stale. Ive always listened to pretty much anything. My library consists of Rage against the Machine all the way to Luciano Pavoratti.

I dont listen to radio often and when I do its the public radio station called 89.7. Its an indie station I guess you could say and they hardly play any mainstream music unless its really good shit. My point is I dont have the exposure to new music that others may have. Since I dont care much for new music and like to pick stuff out on my own I dont mind this at all really. I feel those who follow and listen to only stuff they hear on the radio are close minded and I feel sorry that they dont get to experience newer things. They probably eat the same thing every day. Wear the same clothes they see on Jersey shore and follow what everyone else does.

So anyway my new music has been more laid back lately. Ive been listening to alot of Coldplay and Raggea. Weird mix I know but it works for me lately. Older Coldplay music is pretty good and its well written stuff that doesnt sound too poppy. The new stuff is just crap and is obviously made to sell on the radio.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

New layout with pussy pictures

To celebrate the new look here are some pussy pics. Who doesnt love a good pussy.

Poker Kitty

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Poker Venture.

Ive been looking for other ways to start making income from poker recently. As the state of american poker grow dimmer and dimmer, my frustration grows. I cant stand playing on these sites much longer. Its tilting to even load the software because I know what I have to be playing on. the constant glitches, no auto reload among others.

I started writing for a sites as of late. Mainly room reviews and re writes of poker news. I had no idea where the articles were going, and recieved no credit for them. I did get paid, meagerly I might add, but no recognition. I needed to start somewhere and build up a resume and/or reputation. After about 5 or so gigs, my name has become known at this site i get jobs from and people have started to contact me about writing for their sites.
Photo credit s8an

I finally chose one the other day and published my first article for them on the 1st. Its a new site and just launched, but i like the layout and the direction they want to go. Most importantly I actually get credit for the articles. this will help to establish my name in the writing field. Having your picture with a bio at the end of an article can really do wonders for ones career, not to mention ego.

Ill admit, I was a little gitty when i first saw it on site and open to the world for the first time. I take my writing seriously, and although Ive had little formal training aside form a few classes in college, I feel my work is solid.
I treat my articles as if they were kids, sometimes better. My articles get more attention some times, and for this I feel bad, but make up for it in the way of watching endless marathons of Dora on nick Jr.And the fact that I know almost every song to The Fresh Beat Band is my penance.

Although my ramblings on here are not top notch, I wanted to share to my readers some of my better pieces. Its sort of like a mechanic. Most mechanics drive pieces of shit. They spend all day working on cars that they dont want to fix their own.When I write here, its not to say I dont care, but im not overly concerned with spelling and puncuation. There are little red squiggly lines all over the page as we speak pointing out to me my flaws.

Here is the site and you can check it out if youd like. www.plentypoker.com

 Please feel free to leave any feedback as I am trying grow as a writer and welcome any criticsm, good or bad. also, if there is a topic of interest you wish to read about or larn, let me know. Ill do my best to get it up and posted.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fun With Scammers

I know this may be a bit off topic for this blog, but I thought this was sort of funny and wanted to share it with you.

I have about 4 different e mail accounts and Yahoo is one of them. I use this for work since its the worse email provider of all them and I only check it twice a week or so.

Usually when i log in theres about 3 different people wishing to add em as a contact on messenger. I usually pay this no mind and just close the list and move on to checking my mail.

Well, every once I will get bored and decide to mess with one of them. I try to pick the best sounding one and wing it from there. I already know what they are going to be trying to get me to do. Its almost always a porn site or adult cam site looking for you to go and have a private session or buy some of their pics. I may be old school, but i dont pay for porn!!!!!!!

So I pick Melodie perlow. Sounds cute enough. I pretend to be dumb at first and just wait to see what he or she or whatever is on the other end of this conversation has to offer. This is what ensues ........

melodieperlow516 is Available
melodieperlow516 : Hello ??
Me: hi
melodieperlow516 : heeey  how are u doing?
Me: great u
melodieperlow516 : umm have we chatted before? cause ur on my buddy list..
Me: u added me, so u tell me
im guessing you want me to visit a site wiht your naked pics?
melodieperlow516 : oh lol im sorry im kinda forgtful at times.. anyways, what r u up to?
Me: not much, just waiting for the inevitable. visit this site to see my pics
melodieperlow516 : http://goo.gl/kXpCS
Me: lol
you people need to eb a little more creative
melodieperlow516 : sooo are you busy?? wanna have some fun with me?  lol..
Me: i guess theres still enough idiots out there that this works but whatever
melodieperlow516 : lol.. mmmm yess!!  im turning my cam on if you wanna cam for a bit  i mean if you want to?
melodieperlow516 is Offline
melodieperlow516 will receive your Chat message after signing in.
Me: ve
melodieperlow516 is Available
Me: i need more incentive
allright, well gl with your scams today
melodieperlow516 : i registered here to have secure cam sessions.. just accept my invite babe, k?
Me: sure thing
are u completely oblivious or something
melodieperlow516 : dont worry babe it doesnt cost anything.. all u have to do is register thru my invite k?
Me: lol, whats next on the script
melodieperlow516 : you'd better gimme some "gold" when ur on the site lol..its kinda like a flirt and I'd love some from you ..k?
Me: u betcha, im gonna give u all the gold baby
melodieperlow516 : wanna go private with me  ??
Me: absolutely
melodieperlow516 : k u in?
Me: thats what she said
if you were a good salesman youd realize this was the part where you just move on to the next sucker