If you play online poker you need to be using software. Most regular players are using some form of tracking software that gives them an advantage of players who don't. If you are one of those who don't use it, then you are at the disadvantage.
What is tracking software?
Tracking software is a program that runs with a poker site. It imports all hand histories you play and stores them in a separate database. It will then take all these hand histories and analyze them. After analyzing them, which only takes nanoseconds, it will give you a complete list of stats at your disposal.
What this means is that every player you have played against, you will now have stats on those players. For example, how many times an opponent has 3 bet preflop and how many times they raise from a certain position.
There are many more stats included, too many to list actually, but I think you get the idea. Every stat you would ever want on a player will be a click away. You then use this information to make more informative decisions.
Why Poker Tracker?
Since poker began online, Poker Tracker has been right alongside. It was the first of its kind to offer such a product and have stood the test of time.
With its easy to install program, users will be up and running in minutes. Once installed, users will have a plethora of options. You can view every hand you have ever played and begin to analyze your own game.
Poker tracker will provide detailed statistics of every move you make. Find out what position you are winning or losing the most from and make the proper adjustments. Figure out if your 3 bets are working, how often your continuation bets work and much more.
While playing real time, Poker Tracker has a "HUD" or heads up display that shows next to every player at the table. This HUD will provide you the information needed to make better decisions. The HUD provides instant stats with the click of a mouse. Simply click the HUD and all stats will pop up in an easy to use box that breaks down stats by position, street and more.
What this means is that when facing a decision you can click the HUD and figure out if your opponent is doing the same things over and over and find a way to exploit this habit.
Poker tracker offers its product online for a fee of $85 and is a onetime fee. Once paid for you never need to buy anything again. Updates are provided regularly to fix any bugs and to keep up with poker sites changing software.
You can view and purchase Poker Tracker here and try it free for 60 days. Once the trial is over I guarantee you will want to have it forever.