Saturday, May 12, 2012

Your Daily Poker Tip

Table select: Finding the right table can make you more money than the skill you have in some cases. Often times players will just look in the poker lobby see an open table and jump right in not even thinking about who is already sitting. Next thing you know you're on the right of an aggressive player putting you in every awkward spot you can think of.

If you play often you will tend to know who the better players are learning to stay away from them. If you have no reads on any of the players, sit for a few rounds and if you notice they are tight and aggressive, sit out and search for another table. Looking in the lobby for high saw flop percentages, is a good way to spot juicy games. There's no shame in sitting out of a table full of regulars. You play poker to make, not to see who has the bigger club.

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