Monday, April 2, 2012

Fun With Scammers

I know this may be a bit off topic for this blog, but I thought this was sort of funny and wanted to share it with you.

I have about 4 different e mail accounts and Yahoo is one of them. I use this for work since its the worse email provider of all them and I only check it twice a week or so.

Usually when i log in theres about 3 different people wishing to add em as a contact on messenger. I usually pay this no mind and just close the list and move on to checking my mail.

Well, every once I will get bored and decide to mess with one of them. I try to pick the best sounding one and wing it from there. I already know what they are going to be trying to get me to do. Its almost always a porn site or adult cam site looking for you to go and have a private session or buy some of their pics. I may be old school, but i dont pay for porn!!!!!!!

So I pick Melodie perlow. Sounds cute enough. I pretend to be dumb at first and just wait to see what he or she or whatever is on the other end of this conversation has to offer. This is what ensues ........

melodieperlow516 is Available
melodieperlow516 : Hello ??
Me: hi
melodieperlow516 : heeey  how are u doing?
Me: great u
melodieperlow516 : umm have we chatted before? cause ur on my buddy list..
Me: u added me, so u tell me
im guessing you want me to visit a site wiht your naked pics?
melodieperlow516 : oh lol im sorry im kinda forgtful at times.. anyways, what r u up to?
Me: not much, just waiting for the inevitable. visit this site to see my pics
melodieperlow516 :
Me: lol
you people need to eb a little more creative
melodieperlow516 : sooo are you busy?? wanna have some fun with me?  lol..
Me: i guess theres still enough idiots out there that this works but whatever
melodieperlow516 : lol.. mmmm yess!!  im turning my cam on if you wanna cam for a bit  i mean if you want to?
melodieperlow516 is Offline
melodieperlow516 will receive your Chat message after signing in.
Me: ve
melodieperlow516 is Available
Me: i need more incentive
allright, well gl with your scams today
melodieperlow516 : i registered here to have secure cam sessions.. just accept my invite babe, k?
Me: sure thing
are u completely oblivious or something
melodieperlow516 : dont worry babe it doesnt cost anything.. all u have to do is register thru my invite k?
Me: lol, whats next on the script
melodieperlow516 : you'd better gimme some "gold" when ur on the site lol..its kinda like a flirt and I'd love some from you ..k?
Me: u betcha, im gonna give u all the gold baby
melodieperlow516 : wanna go private with me  ??
Me: absolutely
melodieperlow516 : k u in?
Me: thats what she said
if you were a good salesman youd realize this was the part where you just move on to the next sucker

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